Running Distance Equivalency Result

5k in 25: 01 is equal to a half marathon in 1: 51: 19 for a female runner aged 30-34

Meteor Meter

"Fast" "Moderately Fast" "Moderate" "Moderately Slow" Moderate Fast

The Meteor Meter shows your relative position compared to others in your age group and gender for the specified distance.

Cross Distance Equivalence

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Summary of the Results

A female runner in the 30-34 age category that can complete a 5k run with a 5:00 /km pace in a time of 25 minutes and 01 second can expect to complete a half marathon run with a 5:15 /km pace, for a time of 1 hour 51 minutes and 19 seconds.

The equivalent time and pace is calculated based on the runner's relative fitness level as compared to other runners in her age group.

The reported result is an achievable goal time. To achieve this you may need extra training tailored to the distance. The greater the difference is between the reference distance and the goal distance, the more likely it is that you will need extra training.